Araglin Animal Sanctuary Open Day.

I had an awesome day at the Araglin Animal Sanctuary in Cork, Ireland. I’ve been following their Facebook page for a while and seeing the great work they do. So I was really excited to see that they were having an open day as part of the Araglin Town Carnival. I’ll be keeping an eye on their Facebook page  for any future open day and I will be back with my camera.


Araglin Animal Sanctuary is has an amazing selection of animals, from goats and ponys, to moles, foxes and my favorite of them all was the Raccoons. The wolves were awesome too and particularly difficult to get a good picture of as they keep moving to the part of the enclosure that was furthest from wherever I was standing.



Raccoon_Araglin_Animal_ Sanctuary

Wolf_Araglin_Animal_ Sanctuary

Turtle_Araglin_Animal_ Sanctuary

Parrot_Araglin_Animal_ Sanctuary

Lemur_Araglin_Animal_ Sanctuary

Goat_Araglin_Animal_ Sanctuary

Owl_Araglin_Animal_ Sanctuary

Well it has been quite some time since I posted on my blog I hope you all liked it, and hopefully I will start to post regularly on here. As always I hope you liked the pictures and feel free to like, comment, share and all that Jazz.


Peace Out.

The Foxy Prophet.

Save the Bees.

There was a spell of good weather in the last few weeks and I was lucky enough that these guys and gals stood still for long enough and I was able to get a few snaps of them collecting pollen.















I know that the last one isn’t a bee but I was just really happy with how the picture turned out. As always I hope you liked the pictures and let me know what you think of them in the comments.


The most photographed cats in the world.

I got myself a new lens for my camera during the week, its a canon 50mm prime lens. So to celebrate I spent the whole weekend taking pictures of the cats. Luckily for you they are the most handsome bunch of pussies in all the land. So I hope you enjoy the pussy pics.













I hope you enjoyed all the cat pictures. There will be plenty more of them in the future.


Galtee Mór. A sweaty day in the hills.

For years when I heard people talk about the the Galtee Mór I thought they were on about some kind of giant rasher, it turns out its a mountain. When I found this out I decided to go walk up it. I took my camera too because as you may have guessed I like taking pictures of things.















Etherial-View of the summit


It was a great day for walking it was pretty much all blue skies and with the odd smattering of clouds, perfect weather for a sweaty walk in the hills. I hope you enjoyed the pictures let me know what you think in the comments below, thats all for now.

Peace and Love,


Blue Team Vs Red Team. A Tale of dragonflies.

Hello again my friends and enemies, the subject of todays post is dragonflies. In the last few weeks I’ve been lucky enough to spot a few of these colourful bastards hanging around the ponds and still waters of Coimbra. They move through the air pretty damn fast so it was difficult to get pictures of them in flight so I just went with the lazy option and waited till they land.

Blue Team.







Red Team:







So let me know what you think of them and feel free to share them with friends and co-workers.

Peace and Love,


P.S. After a little bit of research I think all the dragonflies in my pictures are male, as males tend to perch on things and watch while the females fly around depositing eggs. And I think the red ones are called Red-Veined Darters and the blue ones are called blue dashers but hopefully an expert can tell me if I’m right or wrong about my research.


P.P.S I just found out that the blue team is actually damselflies not blue dashers. Lesson Learned.

Its not easy being green.

There is a pond in the Jardim Botanico in Coimbra and in that pond is a load of frogs. The frogs are photogenic if you are willing to sit there are wait for them to start striking poses. I hope you enjoy the pics of my Amphibian Friends.

I was able to get some nice shots of them in a quiet times of reflection.



And for the last few days they have been really noisy and puffing their cheeks a lot.


Well thats the end of it today, so let me know what you think of them and feel free to share them with friends and co-workers.

Peace and Love,


P.S If anyone can explain the difference between a frog and toad that would be great, I’m too lazy to google it.

Birds Part II, the quest for plumage.

For the last few months I’ve been trying to get out into nature and move as silently as possible so that I can get some decent pictures of birds. Compared to my previous post I made about birds I think these pictures are of a higher standard, I hope you enjoy them.



It turns out that Robins are pretty comfortable in front of the camera and enjoy having their picture taken.


Seagulls are an interesting bunch, I always think that if they could speak they would hassle you for cigarettes.


I never knew starlings would be so so photogenic, I was really happy with how the last starling picture turned out.





I really hope you get as much enjoyment out of looking at these pictures as I got out of taking them, well anyways that is enough rambling out of me so let me know what you think in the comments.

Also I’ve gotten quite lazy with posting to the blog recently so I’ll do my best to get the thumb out, keep it out and post more regularly.

Peace and Love,


The Great Hairy One.




Coimbra, the city of Hills.

These are some of the picture of Coimbra that I have taken in the last few weeks. Its a really cool city but incredibly hilly which doesn’t agree with my feeble legs. But apart from the hills it has a really nice Botanical Garden, one of the Oldest Universities in the land and some nice parks and views so all in all its not a bad place to live.

Parque Verde Street Lights
A slow exposure shot of the trees in the lights in the park to get the star effect.
Rio Mondego Sunset Blue Skys
The Mondego river just before sunset

Parque Verde after dark

Night Time Coimbra Skyline
A view of Coimbra a little bit after sunset, this was taken from the other side of the Mondego River
Sunset Parque Verde Coimbra
The walkway next to Mondego River river just as the sun is setting.
Rio Mondego Golden Hour
The Mondego River just after the sun has gone behind the hills

I really hope you enjoyed these picture, I was really happy with how they turned out but they are by no means perfect and my quest to take a perfect picture goes on. That is enough from me for now let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to share them with your pets or whom ever you think might enjoy them.

Peace and Love,

The Foxy Prophet.

Friends of the Ornithological Variety.

A-well-a ev’rybody’s heard about the bird bird bird bird
B-bird’s the word oh well-a bird bird bird
Bird is a word oh well-a bird bird bird
Well-a bird is the word oh well-a bird bird bird

If you are still reading this fair play to you, I was going to put the full set of lyrics to that song but I don’t think anybody wants that. So if you haven’t guessed by now today lesson is being brought to you by the letter B for bird.


The beast was standing Sentinel.



I hope you enjoyed the picture of these feathered fiends, let me know what you thought of them in the comments below.

Peace and Love,

The Foxy Prophet.

Dog Day Afternoon.

So the other day I was on the train and I saw a poster advertising a Festa dos Animais(Animal Party) in the Parque Muncipal de Oeiras so I decided to go along with my camera. There was a bunch of demonstrations from obedience schools and one from the Air Force, there were stalls selling pet apparatus and stall for adopting stray kittens. People brought along their pets too there was easily around 300 dogs in the park that day, below are pictures of some of the furry friends that I made.

I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them,it was lots of fun meeting all these dogs.

Peace and Love,

The Great One.

Gatos De Portugal, making furry friends

Here are some the cats I’ve met along the way.


These are the cats that I met in Coimbra.


The next gallery are the furry friends that I have made since I moved to Lisboa.



They wouldn’t let me get close to them even when I bribed them with food.

Thanks for taking the time to look at the pictures, let me know what you think in the comments below.

Peace and Love,

The Foxy Prophet.