The Fireworks display for Queima Das Fitas in Coimbra.

Last week in Coimbra it was the student festival of Queima Das Fitas, its week long festival with lots of parties and drinking(kinda similar to RAG week in Irish Colleges). At the end of the week there was fire works display. I managed to get some pictures of the fireworks that I was happy with, they are the best but they aren’t the worst pictures I’ve taken, I hope you enjoy them.



If I was doing it again I would set up my camera closer to the left bank of the river to get a better view of the city but I guess there is nothing that I can do about it now.

So let me know what you think of my pictures and feel free to share them with friends and co-workers.

Peace and Love,


Rings of Fire.

The other night I attempted to channel the spirit of the late great Johnny Cash by making  my very own ring of fire, I think I was relatively successful.

light painting steel wool

Steel wool spinning light painting

steel wool spinning

lightpainting steelwool

light painting steel wool

steel-wool-light painting

steel wool spinning

light painting steelwool
When the ring of fire appeared an ethereal shaped started to appear at the Piano keyboard
steel wool light painting
And then all of a sudden the Man In Black was at the keys.

I really hope you get as much enjoyment out of looking at these pictures as I got out of taking them, well anyways that is enough rambling out of me so let me know what you think in the comments.

Peace and Love,


P.S. I just realized that Johnny Cash didn’t actually play the piano, so it would appear that I was unable to summon Mr Cash, I’m not exactly sure who the pianist is.

Coimbra, the city of Hills.

These are some of the picture of Coimbra that I have taken in the last few weeks. Its a really cool city but incredibly hilly which doesn’t agree with my feeble legs. But apart from the hills it has a really nice Botanical Garden, one of the Oldest Universities in the land and some nice parks and views so all in all its not a bad place to live.

Parque Verde Street Lights
A slow exposure shot of the trees in the lights in the park to get the star effect.
Rio Mondego Sunset Blue Skys
The Mondego river just before sunset

Parque Verde after dark

Night Time Coimbra Skyline
A view of Coimbra a little bit after sunset, this was taken from the other side of the Mondego River
Sunset Parque Verde Coimbra
The walkway next to Mondego River river just as the sun is setting.
Rio Mondego Golden Hour
The Mondego River just after the sun has gone behind the hills

I really hope you enjoyed these picture, I was really happy with how they turned out but they are by no means perfect and my quest to take a perfect picture goes on. That is enough from me for now let me know what you think in the comments and feel free to share them with your pets or whom ever you think might enjoy them.

Peace and Love,

The Foxy Prophet.